Saturday, January 14, 2017

Jeff Sessions & Voting Rights: Racism Charges Are Dishonest & Scurrilous | National Review

Jeff Sessions & Voting Rights: Racism Charges Are Dishonest & Scurrilous | National Review:

"Let me address another issue straight on. I was accused in 1986 of failing to protect the voting rights of African-Americans by presenting the Perry County case — the voter-fraud case — of condemning civil-rights advocates and organization and even harboring, amazingly, sympathies for the KKK. These are false charges. The voter-fraud case my office prosecuted was in response to pleas from African-American, incumbent, elected officials who claimed the absentee-ballot process involved a situation in which ballots cast for them were stolen, altered, and cast for their opponents. The prosecution was sought to protect the integrity of the ballot, not the black voting. It was a voting-rights case."

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